Global Alliance for Justice Education (11th GAJE WWC)
International Journal of Clinical Legal Education
South African University Law Clinics Association
Worldwide Conference
Hosted by Stellenbosch University, Faculty of Law
11th-15th December 2022
Justice Education: Building Resilience and
Strong Connections in Times of Global Challenges
The world continues to face unprecedented multiple challenges linked to war conflicts, health crisis, climate change and economic, social and political instabilities, which are also deeply affecting education and the production of knowledge.
In these times, socially relevant justice education become even more important. Not only because of its potential to confront crucial practical legal problems societies face and to find innovative responses to them, but also to build-up resilient societies able to overcome the multiple challenges.
This conference, organised in partnership between the Global Alliance for Justice Education, the International Journal of Clinical Legal Education, the South African University Law Clinics Association and the Faculty of Law of the University of Stellenbosch will provide a platform to discuss the current challenges and how resilience can be built-up within society. It offers (in person and online) an important forum for making strong connections with and being inspired by a broad diversity of legal justice educators from all over the world. It provides a unique platform for sharing innovative approaches and research on educational methods promoting students’ engagement, diversity and social justice.

The General Conference is structured to facilitate as much participation as possible. While there will be a small number of plenary sessions, most of the conference will consist of parallel symposia or interactive workshops providing many opportunities for delegates to share ideas, experience, and teaching materials.
The conference has been organized to allow for in-person and online participation. Some sessions will be accessible only in-person, some in a hybrid mode (in-person and online) and some only online.
The GAJE will also organize interactive in-person Training-of-Trainers workshops before and after the conference (on 11th and 15th December 2022), which will consist primarily of “hands on” training sessions on clinical teaching methods and clinical program development aimed at improving the effectiveness and coherence of justice education.
Global Alliance for Justice Education (GAJE): GAJE is an ALLIANCE of persons committed to achieving JUSTICE through EDUCATION. Clinical education of law students is a key component of justice education, but GAJE also works to advance other forms of socially relevant legal education, which includes education of practicing lawyers, judges, non-governmental organizations and the lay public. GAJE has held ten worldwide conferences (1999 in India, 2001 in South Africa, 2004 in Poland, 2006 in Argentina, 2008 in the Philippines, 2011 in Spain, 2013 again in India, 2015 in Turkey, 2017 in Mexico and 2019 in Indonesia), some of which were organized in cooperation with the International Journal of Clinical Legal Education (IJCLE). In addition, GAJE organised together with IJLCE, Association of Canadian Clinical Legal Education (ACCLE) and the Northumbria University (UK) an worldwide online conference in June 2021. GAJE has also sponsored or co-sponsored a number of regional conferences and workshops. See more information on
International Journal of Clinical Legal Education (IJCLE): The International Journal of Clinical Legal Education publishes a range of articles, including: reviewed articles, practice reports, from the field, editorials and reviews. It is open access and does not charge APCs or submission charges. We welcome submissions from practitioners from all legal and educational jurisdictions and from allied fields. The journal organises an annual conference with the first International Journal of Clinical Legal Education Conference being held in London in July 2003, the conference has been hosted in South Africa, Ireland, Scotland, Australia, England, Spain, Canada, Turkey and the Czech Republic. Delegates from more than 50 countries have participated in these conferences. Papers from these annual conferences together with submissions from clinicians worldwide provide highly relevant and topical material for what has over the last decade become a respected resource in the field of clinical legal education.
South African University Law Clinics Association (SAULCA): is a group of individuals and university clinics who have come together for these common purposes: to provide a forum for legal educators across South Africa to share best practices, pedagogies and other information related to clinical legal education; to encourage the promotion and improvement of clinical legal education in South African law schools; to promote clinical pedagogy and research; to facilitate the dissemination of information pertaining to clinical legal education to clinicians in South Africa, and; to promote or organize conferences or other activities to facilitate the purposes of the association. For more detail about SAULCA: