Programs, Projects, and Publications

Social Justice through Human Rights Education project

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and related conventions and programs, like SDGs, have provided indicators of social justice. Awareness of, demand for, and striving to respect and enforce the rights recognized in those documents are essential preconditions to ensuring social justice for all, at the local, national, and international levels.

To develop human rights education, within the framework of this project, on-line and in-person training courses, webinars, workshops, and conferences will be held for university lecturers, law students, lawyers, journalists, religious leaders, civil activists, local authorities. 

This training is provided through Street Law Programs to different groups in society, such as high school students, women, immigrants, workers, racial, ethnic, and religious minorities. 

This training will focus more on economic, social, and cultural rights. The right to education, educational justice, especially the use of cyberspace to ensure educational justice, are among the most critical issues in this training.


Project on Facilitating Access to Justice for All

 To facilitate access for all, especially vulnerable and marginalized groups, Roya Institute is pursuing two activities within the framework of this project:

  1. Promoting the culture of providing qualified and pro bono legal advice and services to individuals and groups who for any reason, such as inability to pay legal fees, are deprived of these services, and as a result, are unable to enjoy their legal rights and justice.
  2. Developing general and specialized law clinics to train a generation of law graduates who are both familiar with their social responsibilities and have sufficient legal skills. Within this project framework, training courses will be held for law professors and educators, including, but not limited in, these subjects:
    • Establishment and management of general and specialized law clinics
    • Clinical, interactive, and student-centered methods of teaching law
    • How to interact with pro bono lawyers, students, and clients in law clinics.


The UN and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The United Nations, since its establishment with all its ups and downs, has been one of the most influential international institutions, especially the institutionalization, development, and protection of human rights. But for multiple reasons, some do not have enough information about the UN system and its functions, specialized agencies, and thematic reporters, or they do not know how they can support or benefit from its goals and activities. 

This project addresses this problem. It designs and provides on-line and in-person training courses, webinars, workshops, and conferences that fit the needs of various social groups such as students, law students, lawyers, journalists, religious leaders, civil activists, local authorities. Two main areas of this training are: the UN system and its working, focusing on UNICEF, UNESCO, UNDP, UNHCR; and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with a particular focus on goals related to poverty reduction, education promotion, and environmental protection.