In addition to her key role in planning and holding that conference, she presented Dr. Seyed Masoud Noori’s (from Roya Institute for Global Justice)article on his behalf. The title of the abstract of his remarks is below:
ESG As a Complementary to SDGs
and Its Role in Improving the People with Special Needs Situation
Many brilliant ideas have been put forward for a better future. UN General Assembly resolution entitled “A world fit for children” – includes ten essential principles and objectives; the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), including eight goals, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as the 2015-2030 global development agenda are some examples.
But why have we not achieved our goals?
Among various definite and probable reasons for this failure, I want to highlight that we have not taken some influential actors seriously enough. Academics, religious leaders and institutions, and multinational companies are some of them.
This presentation will focus on the ESGs, which represent the Environmental, Social, and Governance aspects of corporate management and growth.
The presentation’s fundamental questions are:
- How SDGs and ESG are different and related?
– Why is ESG not only a key concept for corporate growth and business continuity but also to achieve SDGs, and a better future for humanity, including people with special needs, like people with disabilities?
The panel, including this presentation (from 2:25:10), is available here.