Victims of terrorism struggle to struggle for upholding their rights and to have their voices heard. These victims are often neglected after the terrorist attack fades, and we often fail to see the long-term consequences of the attack on these victims. 21st August has been marked as International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism by General Assembly vide Resolution A/RES/72/165(2017) to honor and support the victims and survivors of terrorism to protect their human rights.
This is a list of credible documents and websites for further study on the subject:
- General Assembly Resolution A/RES/72/165
- Charter of the United Nations
- United Nations Counter-Terrorism Strategy
- Declaration on Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism
- Documents related to Victims of Terrorism
- United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism
- High-level Conference on Counter-Terrorism
- Victims of Terrorism Support Portal
- Directory of Organisations Supporting Victims of Terrorism
- Special Rapporteur on Promotion and Protection of Human Rights while Countering Terrorism
- Remember the Fallen
This year an online event titled ‘Surviving Terrorism: The Power of Connections’ will be held with the presence of UN Secretary-General Mr. Antonio Guterres, and testimonies of victims and survivors of terrorism will also be featured.
For more information click here.
Mahak Rathee
Global Representative (India)
Roya Institute of Global Justice