Third Session: Advanced International E-TOT Course

General and Thematic/ Specialized legal Clinics

Third Session: Anti-Human Trafficking Clinic & Family law Clinic,

Prof. Mohamed Y. Mattar & Prof. Catherine F. Klein

In the following lines, the participants in each session expressed what they have learned, through keywords:


Human Trafficking Clinic
Types of legal clinics
Domestic violence
Animal rights
Human dignity
Legal Clinic and Corona
Support for vulnerable groups

Friendship group
Legal defense
Public rights
Educational models
Systematic defense
Establishment of an adult clinic
Volunteer lawyers

Children’s Legal Clinic
Corona and Racial Discrimination
Freedom of expression
Legal services
social problems
Family clinic
Elderly rights
Young immigrants

In the following sentences the participants in this session expressed what they have learned in this lesson:

Clinics should play  their role for immigrants

Legal clinics can play an effective role in strategic litigation

A deeper and broader view on legal clinics in family issues

broad advantages of clinics in defending man’s rights

the importance of legal clinics in  protecting vulnerable people and their effects in deepening the learning ability of law students

as legal clinics are related to public good and pro bono services, using academic capacity such as senior students supervised by a professor, can be a better option compared to law firms or institutes

justice advocacy

exploitation is a kind of slavery

legal clinics give law students experience and make them realist

promoting academic level

The establishment of legal clinics has various goals, including cooperation with qualified lawyers who have sufficient knowledge, knowledge and experience and can play a role in promoting and advancing human rights.

How can we use clinics to solve current legal issues?

Familiarity with examples of clinical activities in other countries,

Familiarity with human trafficking clinic,

Law clinics can help reduce domestic violence as well as student internships.

Legal clinics can be a tool for empowering the poor.

New concepts of human trafficking in the Qoviid-19 era

Family law clinics are also important for supporting weaker groups in the family institution such as children and women, as well as for referring them to health clinics in case of other problems.

Legal clinic is a way to achieve justice,

Familiarity with the topics of the anti-trafficking clinic,

There is a different approach to legal definitions and clinical practice from the perspective of lawyers in different countries.

Legal clinics are an important tool for vulnerable people to access social justice and to realize their lost or less seen rights.

Clinics are a strong bridge to solve the problems of society and individuals.

Practices performed in family clinics and cases reviewed.

Familiarity with new examples of the concept of human trafficking and cases resulting from the Corona crisis.

Establishment of a legal clinic is a way to achieve legal justice in society,

Law clinics enable law students to deal with problems in a practical and realistic way.

Some actions in cyberspace, although without the intention of committing a crime and do not fall within the scope of defining crimes, have a negative impact on the psychological security of the audience.

How to use  legal clinics in social problems,

The Family and Law Clinic is broader and more comprehensive than the Family Law Clinic.