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This date was chosen because of its meaning and significance to the Palestinian people. It is based on the call by the United Nations General Assembly for an annual observance of the resolution on the partition of Palestine, intended to establish an Arab State and a Jewish State, and was adopted on Nov. 29, 1947.
The question of Palestine was brought before the United Nations shortly after the end of the Second World War. However, the origins of the Palestine problem as an international issue lie in events occurring towards the end of the First World War. In 1947 the United Nations accepted the responsibility of finding a just solution for the Palestine issue and still grapples with this task today.
The International Day of Solidarity traditionally provides an opportunity for the international community to focus its attention on the fact that the question of Palestine remains unresolved. And that the Palestinian people have yet to attain their inalienable rights as defined by the General Assembly, namely, the right to self-determination without external interference, the right to national independence and sovereignty, and the right to return to their homes and property, from which they have been displaced.
To know more about UN works on the question of Palestine please use the following link:
- UNRWA | United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees
- UN OCHA – occupied Palestinian territory
- UNDP in Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People
- Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process
- United Nations Country Team in Palestine
For more information, please see:
Shristi Banerjee
Lawyer, Jharkhand High Court (India)
Global Representative (India), Roya Institute of Global Justice