Leni Widi Mulyani

Director of Clinical Legal Education Program

Faculty Of Law, Pasundan University, Indonesia

My name Leni, currently I work as a law teacher and Street Law Clinician at Faculty of Law Pasundan University. I have been run the clinic since 2007, started as the program officer and now, I am the Director of Clinical Legal Education Program both for extracurricular and mandatory classes for 2 credits. I have been joining with various communities particularly poor, marginalized and underrated groups in giving free legal education, legal literacy and legal consultation. My work area is not only in west java but also Indonesia and International scope. In 2011-2013, the first cross borders clinic (Indonesia-Malaysia) was established; this clinic helped Indonesian migrant workers who work in Malaysia gain their legal knowledge. Recently, I collaborate with inst
itutions like children with disabilities, former sex workers, teenagers who experiencing the unwanted pregnancy, and Bandung Legal Aid.