Typical read time: 3 minutes
The consumerist and irresponsible style of human societies, wealthy countries, and groups, and the unbridled thirst for rapid – albeit unsustainable – development in southern countries have led to ecosystem disruption and severe threats to biodiversity. These dangers are against the next generation and now have a tangible impact on daily life, health, food security, and the mental health of human society. Migration due to desertification, deforestation, depletion of drinking water resources, and country disputes and tribal disputes over water resources has now become a threat to world security and peace.
As the UN Secretary-General stated, summarizing various studies conducted around the world, including by specialized UN agencies, “the world urgently needs a clear and unequivocal commitment from all countries to the goal of the 1.5 Degree Agreement in Paris. Science tells us that to achieve this ambitious yet achievable goal; the world must achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 and reduce hazardous greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 20% by 2030 by 2030. Give. “But we are out of the way.”
All governments, civil society, academics, the media, religious leaders and institutions, families, and individuals must feel responsible for getting back on track, learn from past mistakes, seize the last remaining opportunities before the environmental crisis becomes unstoppable, and Take practical action.
But any action – especially in situations where we do not have the opportunity for trial and error – must be based on accurate information and analysis and based on available facts (not conjectures and illusions). Therefore, researchers, policymakers, members of parliament and civil society activists, the media, and the people of all countries need access to accurate data and analysis. Only then can we be safe from the risk of relying on incorrect information and consequently incorrect and catastrophic decisions with sometimes irreparable consequences.
Unfortunately, researchers in developing countries do not have access to up-to-date information for various reasons, including financial constraints. Sometimes valuable but limited opportunities arise to make up for this shortcoming.
We want to introduce one of these opportunities and invite all professors, lawyers, researchers, analysts, students, and the media to take advantage of it.
Oxford University Press has made the International Environmental Law Collection available to all for free. This valuable collection includes dozens of resources such as:
Free Book Chapters, for instance:
– Protection of the Environment in Relation to Armed Conflicts; (The Handbook of International Humanitarian Law, 4th Edition)
– The Selfless Exercise of Jurisdiction to Protect Human Rights and the Environment- Selfless Intervention: The Exercise of Jurisdiction in the Common Interest
– Protection of the Natural Environment (The Oxford Guide to International Humanitarian Law)
– International Legal Reasons for Countries to Address Environmental and Social Impacts of Trade and Investment Agreements (Crafting Trade and Investment Accords for Sustainable Development)
Reputable Journals, including:
- Journal of Environmental Law
- The Journal of World Energy Law & Business
A Significant Number of Articles, for example:
– Environment, International Protection (by: Ulrich Beyerlin, Jenny Grote Stoutenburg)
– Clean and Healthy Environment, Right to, International Protection (by: Birgit Peters)
Explore free chapters and articles on international environmental law from across our academic books, journals, and reference works. This collection covers a range of topics relating to international law and the environment, including human rights, armed conflict, cultural heritage law, corporate actors, international watercourses, and the law of the sea.
Note: All content featured is free to read until 30 November 2021.
Please click here to take advantage of this opportunity.