One person dies every 30 seconds from a hepatitis-related illness. Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver which causes severe disease and hepatocellular cancer. July 28 is also the birthday of Nobel-prize winner scientist Dr. Baruch Blumberg, known for his discovery of the hepatitis B virus and has developed a diagnostic test and vaccine for it.
World Hepatitis Day 2021: Hepatitis can’t wait.
The theme for World Hepatitis Day 2021 is “Hepatitis can’t wait.” This theme is picked to highlight the urgency and need for immediate action to eliminate hepatitis as a public health threat by 2030.
WHO is hosting a global talk show that will act as a platform for all the stakeholders to come together and discuss various opportunities to accelerate the response to hepatitis.

As we have already seen that hepatitis has taken so many lives and impacts so many people; hence, it is imperative to create awareness regarding it and encourage others to make people aware of the same and further work together towards eliminating hepatitis by 2030.
For more information click here and here.

Mahak Rathee
Global Representative (India)
Roya Institute of Global Justice