Fifth Session: Student-led Learning
Professor Leni Widi Mulyani (University of Pasundan)
In the following sentences the participants in this session expressed what they have learned in this lesson:
To have a dynamic and growing society, opposing views must be allowed to be presented and discussed.
Learn more about how to teach law to everyone;
Planning for targeted training;
The purpose of student-centered learning is how students learn different skills to improve community conditions.
Educating students who are themselves public law teachers is a way to enforce justice and law rule.
Education that focuses on the student will be more productive;
In learning, Students should have an active role in the educational process.
Strive for quality education and student participation in the learning process,
How to teach effectively and the necessary measures for pre-teaching and during teaching and specify a specific area for activity;
Trainees’ needs assessment is one of the necessities for developing efficient educational procedures.
For society’s growth, it is necessary to raise public legal literacy by law students and professors. For this purpose, students must have enough qualified knowledge and skills and believe in human values.
Interacting with students and their continuous participation in the educational process is one of the essential teaching methods.
Familiarity with student-centered teaching methods, passive teaching and participatory methods, and the impact of each in learning;
Developing ideas and methods of law education, based on the community’s needs and beliefs;
Familiarity with pro bono activities for teaching law to the public through student-centered educational activities, such as Street Law programs;
Pleasant and dynamic methods of teaching law to students;
Interactive educational methods will help to achieve educational justice and training efficiency.
One of the main factors of any Street Law program is the professors’ association with law clinic students.
To provide an efficient and successful Street Law program, we need to be able to imagine ourselves in the position of our target groups.
The importance of paying attention to different perspectives on legal issues, including criminal matters;
Constructive interaction with students and their maximum participation in class discussions and activities;
Strengthening everyone’s access to legal services is possible by using the capacity of students’ practical experience in society.
Promoting public legal literacy
Student-centered and interactive education
Empowering the target community
Student grouping and teamworking
Educational Planning
Legal Clinic
Social justice for all
Constructive interaction and participation in society
Pro bono services
Global Alliance for Law and Justice Education
Social Welfare
Motivations and emotions in the learning process
Evaluate the educational process